This is not what they were hoping for lol



Nothing more cringe than your teachers trying to force their political ideology on you. Kids aren’t stupid. They’re impressionable, but not stupid.

WHY would young men want to identify as liberal when liberals are calling them oppressive and dangerous. I totally understand why it’s happening.


  1. Joe Biden and his entire family and Administration need to be put in jail for committing Treason! The Treason issue applies to the AG, & the FBi Director & Deputy Director, including many Military high rankikng in the Pentagon and Military branches! It is about time the Congress get off of their asses and start the legal proceeding including the SCOTUS! The American people are being totally damaged by these extremist! Many people that vote Democrat need to wake up and realize that our country is now becomming an Communist country! The American people need to realize the damage the Democrats are doing to our beloved country!

    • Agreed 1000% @82 it breaks my heart to see what is happening to our nation & I despise every America hating liberal socialist democrat & those who will still vote for them! I truly worry for my grandkids future who may never experience what was America! And at this point the 35 to 40 million that fit the above category should truly suffer a very slow & very long painful demise! Lastly if the next two elections do not stop these fkers America will be NO MORE!

  2. every teacher in america needs to be forced to pick up garbage all summer and sign a contract that says they will not teach politics or lifestyle ideology in the school

  3. Thank goodness, that the Gen Z male is actually not ashamed or put in his place for being a REAL male.. A man with testosterone, not some twink who has a husband of his own. wears ear rings and lipstick and eyeliner… Women want MEN… muscular, protective, productive, brave outgoing fearless MALES!!!!!!!!!!! Partners who bring something to their relationship that is OPPOSITE of female. Not soft hands with nail polish, not fear , anxiety or “triggers” that need a mommy to fix for him…. WE want a grown ass man who has actual BALLS, and knows how to use them.

  4. That kid criticized Republicans for criticizing them but I have never seen any evidence of that. All I have seen is Republicans trying to stop the sexualization and wokeism of young people in America. The real problem is keeping Communism and Marxism out of our educational institutions.

  5. I have news for this young keyboard commando, it’s very clear you have never been under fire, you want a fight, wait till you come up against my generation that have been bombed on, mortared, and rocketed. Your candy ass will go into hiding, we have been under fire and survived. The only thing you have done is run your mouth on your computer. Get your head out of your ass, and what the politicans are doing to brainwash your feeble mind, grow a pair youg man before you come at us!!!


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