It is a Patriotic duty to vote for Trump in 2024! We need a true and loyal American as president to save what is left of America! In addition, we need to arrest the Biden crime family!
Goldman is the best Democrat the Republicans have. Self Own King of the Earth!!
Sure shows people in New York have the same IQ as people in California, -210. Off the stupid charts!
Crapafornians re-elected Brylcreem boi Newsom. When he washes his hair, an oil slick forms in the ocean.
It is Trump or America is gone !!The demonic anti
America, no border, battery everything, “CLIMATE CONTROL” God says the world as we know it after the rapture happens will last another 1007 years ! No christian should believe anything less!!!Abortion is murder and Death Penalty is Bible!! SHED INNOCENT BLOOD YOUR BLOOD IS REQUIRED!!! ARE DEMOCRATS AND YELLOW BACK REPUBLICANS SMARTER MORE KNOWING THAN GOD???? THEY ARE WORSHIPING THE CREATION NOT THE “CREATOR” GOD! GOD STEPS IN AND TRUMP BECOMES OUR LEADER UNDER GOD! GOD FIRST! 1 of 74,000,000 Plus American Patriots ready to right the ship and destroy the swamp and the scum on top (yellow back Republicans) If you believe these TRUMPED UP CHARGES ON TRUMP AND BIDENS ARE GOOD PEOPLE YOU ARE BEING LED BY SATAN!! SATAN!! THE GOD OF THIS WORLD! IGNORANT NON BELIEVERS ARE DESTROYING THE VERY NATION THAT STOOD FOR THE BIBLE AND “JESUS CHRIST” AGAIN HISTORY WRITTEN DOWN NOT TWISTERS OF “REAL HISTORY” AND THE BIBLE