Proof Chicago Is The Worst Place To Live



It’s ok to be Christian, White, Straight, and Pro- gun. Hey! I need a shirt like that.
These guys are so great. Always bringing the facts.

My parents moved us out of chicago in the early 90s because they knew things were going downhill. The lack of leadership is disgraceful.


  1. A few HUNDRED, THOUSAND bad apples.. and nobody to empty the barrel. One touches an other and the other begins to rot… A sad truth. Somebody needs to stop it.. Yeah,,, it IS racial, like every other thing is today. And this bullsht about …. “I want to see someone who looks like me” to do what? Talk to, work with, live with ?? WE ALL feel that way… but when a black says it , its gospel, when a White says it, its racist. So fckin sick of ya’ll and your victimhood. You want a country to look like you? I have 54 for you…. YES 54… All in Africa… Have a good trip

  2. It’s pretty much the right for the idoits that vote democrat. Hell their even weeding themselves out for us. Best to just sit back and let the stupid ones do this for us. Tuffest gun laws and the high murder rate. And the democrats do nothing g about fixing them city’s. So let the dumb azz’s work it out for us. We can out wait them.

  3. I know. Let’s defund more police so we can see how bad it can really get lol. Democrats love anarchy in my opinion. BTW these guys are funny. Good show guys.

  4. This is the Black America the Democrat party has worked for 100’s of years. Since they couldn’t own them any longer, they made them perpetual victims. Keep them thinking all middle class and poor white people hated them and they were the saviors. What have they done in these cities?? Let’s see, poor and destructive schools, no job opportunities, crime and a continued flawed welfare system. I’m beyond overjoyed that Black Americans are waking up to the racist Left. And no I’m not a racist, I’m a proud mother of a strong independent black man!!!


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